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CPA (M-L) October 7 Statement

Written by: Alice M. on 6 October 2024


Power to the Palestinian National Liberation struggle!  
People of the world unite and fight against Zionist Israel colonialism and US imperialism!
Condemn the Australian government complicity in the mass slaughter of people of Palestine and Lebanon!

The 7th October, 2023, Palestinian break out from the Gaza concentration camp signalled a turning point in the courageous Palestinian people’s struggle for national liberation and self-determination. 

The break out sent a message to the world that the Palestinian resistance to Israel’s brutal occupation would never be defeated.  
Despite Zionist Israel’s slaughter of over 42,000 Palestinians, hundreds of thousands more injured, maimed and buried in rubble, despite wiping out 85% of Gaza’s infrastructure, schools, hospitals, child care centres, mosques and churches, the fascist Zionist state is nowhere near destroying Palestinian resistance.
On the contrary. Palestinian resistance has only grown in numbers, more united and determined to end the US backed occupation.  For every Palestinian massacred, injured and displaced in Gaza and West Bank, scores more have joined the resistance and the fight for liberation.  Israel is learning the lessons of every colonial and imperialist power - that the struggle for freedom and liberation, against occupation and oppression, can never be crushed.  
The fascist Israeli genocide of the people of Gaza that followed 7th October has broadened and mobilised the global Palestine solidarity movement to end the occupation, and stop the US-led imperialist powers financing and arming Israel.  The heroic Palestinian resistance is showing the world the naked reality of 77 years of Israeli brutal colonial occupation backed to the hilt politically, financially and militarily by US-led western imperialist powers. 
For the US, Israel is a vital strategic base in the Middle East for safeguarding and projecting US imperialist interests economically, politically and militarily in the region.  In 1986 Biden famously said: “If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one.” Without US imperialist backing the monstrous Zionist colonial state would not be able to survive for as long as it has unleashing the carnage on the Palestinian people.
The true face of US imperialism and the fascist Zionist state are on full display for the world to see.
The Palestinian national liberation struggle is at front and centre, leading and uniting global anti-colonial, anti-imperialist struggles, inspiring the oppressed, the exploited, people’s movements for independence, peace and against imperialist war.
In extending their attacks on the people of Lebanon, Iran and Yemen, the rulers of Israel and the US are facing a common fate of frustration and defeat, and ultimately extinction, at the hands of the masses fighting for liberation.  
Internally, Israel is imploding politically and economically.   Beneath the veneer and deception of unity generated by Israel’s ruling class, Israel is a deeply divided occupying colonial state viciously oppressing the Palestinian people, and increasingly its own critics.  The colonial and racist Zionist ideology has weaponised and exploited the WW2 holocaust to control the Jewish people to manage and enforce the European ruling class’s colonial occupation.  A common method practised by empires and colonisers to subjugate the colonised.
The Israeli fascist state violently attacks its own peaceful protesters or any critics of Israel’s racist policies and occupation.  Peaceful protests are brutally attacked by the Israeli police. Even groups of ultra orthodox Jews protesting peacefully against genocide and the occupation are violently attacked, bashed and violently kicked by the repressive Israeli police.
Growing numbers of army regular and reserve soldiers are refusing to take part in genocide in Gaza and the West Bank.  Instead, many have spent years in gaol, ostracised and vilified publicly; some shunned by their families and friends.  Since the Gaza blitzkrieg the number of refuseniks is growing exponentially in numbers and organisations, and is predicted to grow with the invasion of Lebanon.
Zionism and imperialism create racism to divide and subjugate the people.
The Lebanon invasion is repeating Gaza war crimes.  Already at the start of the invasion over 2,000 Lebanese people have been killed and more than 1.2 million displaced.
Extending war to Lebanon and Iran is intended to draw attention away from Israel’s failure to destroy resistance in Gaza and the West Bank.  


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