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ICOR Resolution on Sudan

Written by: ICOR on 23 April 2023


(Above: March 29, One of the villages destroyed by the Janjaweed militias group in West Darfur/ Sudan.   Photo by Dombary  CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Down with the Civil War! Down with the Reactionary Militias! Victory for the Sudanese Workers and Masses!

ICOR Africa and Africa Coordinator, April 18, 2023

Since April 15, Sudan has been experiencing an escalation of violence in the capital, Khartoum, where Sudanese armed forces led by General Alburhan and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces led by General Hamidati engaged in a fierce exchange of fire after days of tension between the two forces
More than 200 civilians were killed, 1000 were injured, and thousands were displaced in this armed conflict.
This escalation of the armed conflict comes five years after the uprising of the Sudanese people, who succeeded in overthrowing the reactionary dictator President Omar Al Bashir. Unfortunately, the uprising has not succeeded in building the new Sudan that the Sudanese people deserve, as the army generals have taken power and hijacked the people's revolutionary process.
ICOR, the International Coordination of Revolutionary Organizations, which is an international front of leftist revolutionary parties and organizations, is following the current events with great concern and hereby declares that it:
1. condemns the escalation of violence and armed conflict between the different armed groups and considers it a senseless and reactionary war between reactionary armed groups that do not serve the interests of the Sudanese people, and demands the immediate cessation of armed operations and killing
2. reaffirms its full solidarity and support for the Sudanese people and their civil revolutionary forces under the leadership of the Sudanese Communist Party and the coalition of civil organizations that are waging a continuous revolutionary struggle against the reactionary regime and the army, and expresses its confidence that victory will come to the workers and the oppressed people.
3. considers that this armed conflict is a result of imperialist intervention in Sudan and condemns imperialism and imperialist intervention that divides Sudan and hinders its progress.
4. calls on the revolutionary forces in Sudan, Africa and the whole world to unite in the struggle against imperialism and to form the front against imperialism and fascism.


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