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CPA (M-L) welcomes successful holding of ICOR 4th World Conference

Written by: Central Committee, CPA (M-L) on 24 November 2021


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) congratulates the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations (ICOR) on the successful conclusion of its 4th World Conference held in October.

Our Party is an affiliate of ICOR.  We were unable to attend the Conference because of Covid-19 travel restrictions.

A significant number of parties and organisations did, however, overcome restrictions and personally participated in the proceedings, held in Europe.

Delegates from 26 countries, all in all 31 delegations, took part in this Conference.

ICOR currently has 62 member organizations from 46 countries on all five continents. The good news reached the Conference that “Chinese Communists (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)” have applied for membership in ICOR.

In addition to reviewing the past work of ICOR, delegates also had discussions on a number of important current issues and took decisions in relation to them.

Of particular relevance to our region was discussion of the development of the contradictions between the imperialist powers China and the USA and the intensified danger of war, which is developing more and more.

Discussion of the struggle of women included preparations for the Third World Women's Conference of Grassroots Women which will take place in Tunisia in 2022. The World Conference underlined the importance of the surging struggles of the masses of women, the driving forces of which are female workers and young women. It strengthened ICOR’s resolve to develop the revolutionary women's policy and promotion of women to a higher level.

ICOR also recognised the need to win the youth for socialism. The affiliates to ICOR Africa are planning an African youth conference in Nairobi in 2023.
ICOR promotes international working-class coordination, and is currently preparing for the 3rd International Miners' Conference in 2023, and for the World Peasants' Conference in 2023.

A whole host of resolutions and statements in support of people’s struggles across the world were passed.

With the rising tide of repression against the working class and its organisations, ICOR noted that it is in the focus of international secret services. The organisation of its work occurs while strictly paying attention to security.

The CPA (M-L) greets all other affiliated parties and organisations in the spirit of proletarian internationalism and will strive to further strengthen the Australian revolutionary movement so as to build international unity against capitalism, imperialism and fascism.

Centra Committee


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