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Solidarity with All-India strike participants

Written by: International Auto Workers Coordination on 26 November2020


The International Auto Workers Coordination has sent the following message to partiicpants in today's All-India general strike.  The CPA (M-L) endorses the sentiments of the message and adds it own greetings to our Indian comrades.


26 November 2020

Warm solidary and internationalistic greetings 
from International Automotive Workers‘ Coordination 
to all participants of All India General Strike on 26 November 2020

Dear colleagues and supporters of All India General Strike,

The powerful mobilization and broad participation in your nationwide strike is fully justified. The Indian working class and the masses of the people are challenged to oppose the attacks of the Modi Government on labour laws, basic workers and union rights, as well as to reject a destructive anti-farmer policy. The Modi Government is opening up to Indian and foreign monopolies all possibilities to intensify exploitation of the workers and extend oppression of the workers and their unions. This requires a clear response and self-confident action, but above all the strengthening of trade unions and of progressive and militant organizations of the people. 

These attacks of the Modi Government occur at a time of an accelerated impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic in India. Millions of workers have lost their jobs and livelihood, fallen seriously ill or died of Covid-19. This widespread misery, based on the negligence of the Government, is causing inhuman suffering to the masses of people and an insecure future, especially for the youth. For human dignity and decent work, it is inevitable to fight hard for it. Now your strong activities and General Strike on 26 November will demonstrate workers’ and people power and your demands will be unmistakable. 

On 26 November International Automotive Workers Coordination conveys  that you are not standing alone. Your General Strike will be observed worldwide and will meet with great solidarity. We promise to strengthen cooperation with the workers and the people of India and develop coordination of the struggles. This concerns the struggles in many international monopolies and requires an international response from the workers. At our 2nd International Automotive Workers Conference on 18 February, 2020 in Vereeniging, South Africa, we discussed and have decided on an International Program of Struggle of the Automotive Workers. We would like to make this known to you and provide it as support for the development of your struggle.

With internationalist greetings of solidarity,

Ed Cubelo (Philippines), Dieter Schweizer (Germany)
Coordinators of ICOG


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