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Another Dairy Industry Casualty


In late September this year South Australian dairy processor Beston Global Foods was placed into administration, making it the thirteenth dairy processor to suffer the same fate since mid-2022.

more...- Posted on 2024 Oct 06


CPA (M-L) October 7 Statement


Power to the Palestinian National Liberation struggle!  
People of the world unite and fight against Zionist Israel colonialism and US imperialism!
Condemn the Australian government complicity in the mass slaughter of people of Palestine and Lebanon!

more...- Posted on 2024 Oct 05


Australia not so lucky country for migrant workers


Migrant workers have been coming to Australia since the earliest times since British colonialism first invaded the lands of First Nations people in the late 1700s. After the Second World War, new migrant workers from predominantly European countries were able to find full time jobs in government departments, large government projects or in factories in manufacturing industries. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Oct 05


SA Ambo’s election shows workers want their unions to fight regardless of who holds office


The election of a new leader for the Ambulance Employees Association in South Australian reflects the desire of union members for their union to pursue their objectives free of any alignment with the Labor Party.

more...- Posted on 2024 Oct 03


Murdoch media’s blindness and indifference to the far-right


Two recent developments have shown just how obtuse so-called informed opinion and government departments have become when dealing with the resurgence of the far-right in Australia. Both developments reveal an intellectual blindness and indifference to violent political actors who seek to enforce their far-right ideologies upon civil society by targeting ethnic minorities, other vulnerable people and using terrorist strategies of tension. The problem is particularly important when assessed in the ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 30


Workers' Struggle Goes Well Beyond "Protected Industrial Action"


Hardly a day goes by without workers somewhere in Australia taking "protected industrial action" to win unresolved claims from Enterprise Agreement negotiations with their immediate employer.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 27


Zionist genocide and its Nazi character


As of writing, Zionist genocidal escalation has rapidly increased its pace and has once again spread its industrialised killing of Palestinians to Lebanon. They have done this through a kind technique showing how truly advanced the Israeli Offense Force is at apartheid and genocide. The techniques used are villainous and could come out of a ridiculous over the top spy B movie.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 26


US, Japan and the Indo-Pacific Strategy


A big increase in Japan's defence budget can be regarded as a move by the Pentagon for allies to make substantial contributions for involvement in US-led military and security provision and the Indo-Pacific Strategy. Recent diplomatic hostility by Japan toward China, over an alleged incursion into airspace of strategic islands in the East China Sea, is best viewed in the context of the IPS as the basis of US regional ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 24


"When we stand together as the working class, our victory is assured” — ‘Line in the Sand’ rally, Melbourne, 18 September.


More than just an option, defiance is our duty: we truly have a world to win.   Construction Unions Dare Workers to Struggle 

On Wednesday, over 50,000 construction union members walked off their worksites and onto the streets of the Melbourne CBD to mark the beginning of the ‘Line in the Sand’ fighting campaign led by the CFMEU, ETU, PPTEU and AMWU. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 21


All power to construction workers : CFMEU Sydney Rally


Around 7000 construction workers walked off the job in Sydney to rally against the ongoing fascistic 'administration' of their union. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 19


Book Review - BINA


Bina- First Nations Languages Old and New  is a book everybody should read.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 18


Vietnam complicit in Zionist genocide


The international arms trade that helps sustain Israeli Zionism’s attempted genocide of Palestinians was recently revealed to have a surprising participant.
Surprising, that is, for the millions of people around the globe who actively campaigned for Vietnam’s defeat of US imperialism during the US War of Aggression Against Vietnam.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 15


Support grows for CFMEU


The SA Branch Executive of the Communications, Electricity and Plumbing Union (CEPU) voted on Wednesday night to disaffiliate from the SA Branch of the ALP.
The vote came as a tragic accident on a Queensland building site confirmed the dangerous nature of the industry and the consequent need for a union prepared to defy restrictions on right of entry.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 13




Justin O’Connor, the author of Culture Is Not An Industry - Reclaiming Art and Culture For The Common Good is Professor of Cultural Economy at the University of South Australia. The book is one of the Manchester Capitalism book series. This series of books investigates various aspects of the capitalist system.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 11


Exercise Kakadu begins in Darwin


From Melbourne in the south, where tens of thousands are protesting the Land Forces death expo, to Darwin in the north, where Exercise Kakadu is getting underway, the dangers of imperialist war are becoming ever clearer.

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 10


The Torquay Towers and The People of Hervey Bays struggle against it


A coastal city with a focus on tourism must consistently strive in a capitalist economy to keep its worth for its profiteers. How can this city survive on tourism when what generates its worth in the for-profit economy will also inevitably destroy it? Tourism is not a sustainable pillar of a city's economy and is a short-term profitable source for its investors. There must be a focus on all essential ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 10


DFLP calls for arming West Bank Palestinians


A message from the Foreign Affairs department at DFLP to the world’s parties about the crimes of Israeli settlers.

For these reasons... we call for the arming of the Palestinian people in the West Bank to combat Israeli settlers’ terrorism

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


Inspiring Speakers At Free Palestine Rally In Adelaide


Supporters of the Palestinian people continue to take to the streets in cities all around the world.In some cities such as London, the numbers of people attending is in the hundreds of thousands.
In smaller cities such as Adelaide in South Australia they are much smaller, but no less important and effective.


more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


CEPU exercises right-to-disconnect


When ACTU Secretary Sally McManus announced at the end of August the very welcome win of the right-to-disconnect, she probably had no idea that unions supporting the CFMEU would exercise it to disconnect from the ACTU and the ALP. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


Deep-Sea mining could quickly destroy marine ecosystems for profit


It is common in our current time that the pursuit of profit will irreparably damage or destroy a unique ecosystem before it can be protected, or before it has even been properly studied. Of all Australia’s ecosystems, the least studied by far is the deep sea which surrounds our nation’s coasts. Over a third of the seafloor within Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone has yet to be mapped, and globally this ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Sep 09


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)